Nearly half of educators, principals, and district leaders—45 percent—said one of the biggest challenges they had encountered was that educators struggle with how to use digital tools effectively. As more and more educators are embracing online learning, there is a growing need to support them in order to avoid burnout and build retention.
E-Therapy understands the power of the right tools.
We help therapists streamline their workflow so they can concentrate on what’s important to them, working with their students, not battling technology! That’s why we created eSMART, the most innovative online teletherapy management platform to ensure top-level support for your student services team. Whether you’re a large public school district or a small private school, virtual or traditional, eSMART has a solution that’s right for you. We train your school-based teams to get virtual sessions up and running with zero frustration. There is no commitment and no caseload limits – use it when you need it.
eSMART is a robust, innovative online teletherapy management platform that supports your whole student services team.
Some of the many benefits include the ability to log in for therapy, anywhere, anytime. It is feature rich with smart scheduling, a comprehensive auditing system and built in compliance. Therapists love our platform because we provide:• Quick onboarding with one-on-one therapist training, along with on-demand videos and webinars.• Secure, private online therapy rooms with encrypted login.• Session tracking and real-time data reports.• Built-in compliance features.
Another way we are providing online technology solutions for educators is our eQUIP wellness platform.
eQUIP is a new
comprehensive wellness platform that provides mental health solutions for the whole school community. We support students, staff, teachers, and administrators in developing programs to foster a deeper sense of well being. E-Therapy’s eQUIP program addresses the stigma that surrounds mental health. The easy to follow framework was aptly named to focus on; Engaging Environments, Quality Connections, Understanding, Interpersonal Interactions, and Personal Care. The platform is packed-full of 6-10 minute modules you can begin using immediately that address the dynamic issues impacting our school classrooms. Some examples of current topics included in our eQUIP platform are: Bullying, De-escalation in the Classroom, Mindfulness, and Understanding and Responding to Trauma. We also provide Solution-Focused Brief therapy which is future-focused, goal-directed, and focuses on solutions rather than problems. Educators also benefit by learning how to handle mental health issues with the students they teach, as well as wellness strategies for their own work and life balance.As we move into a new year, E-Therapy is working hard to develop new, easy to use technologies and innovative programs to support our schools community. We also know one size does not always fit everyone. That is why we pride ourselves on also being able to tailor a program to meet the unique needs of each school. Want to learn more about our management and wellness technology platforms? Schedule a free demo online at Source: Education Week