Back to School Hub and Resources
Last summer, we launched the E-Therapy Back to School Hub to make sure therapists were prepared with tools and resources to help transition into the new school year. If you’ve never visited the hub before or if you haven’t visited in awhile, be sure to stop by and check out all the great resources and tutorial videos. A quick recap of what’s available to you: Getting Started: Student Interest Questionnaire – This PDF information sheet can be used as a phone conference guide during the initial phone conference for online therapy or can be sent home for a caregiver to complete in a brick and mortar setting. Caseload and Schedule Templates – Use the printable charts for initial caseload setup, scheduling, and session planning. All About Me – These Google Sheets are to be used in the first 1-2 sessions of the school year, but can be used through the year when a new student is added to your caseload. Separate All About Me sheets for Pre-K-elementary and secondary are included, as well as a goal setting sheet. Welcome to Speech – Use one of 4 customizable templates created for Google Slides as a welcome to your online therapy sessions and as a fun and engaging way to introduce yourself to your students. Beyond the First Week:Rewards Sheets – Use E-Therapy’s Jamboard Sticker Reward Charts in remote or brick and mortar therapy sessions with a variety of chart options and stickers available. Students can select their favorite chart and stickers and even have the option to add an image for the reward they’re working towards. Session Landing Pages – These versatile landing pages will be a staple in your therapy sessions to provide a visual overview of the daily therapy schedule. Customizable options are included. Home/School Communication Tool – This Google Sheets tool is a great resource for therapist to caregiver and caregiver to therapist communication in an online or brick and mortar setting. Full instructions are provided for how to use this tool effectively with your entire caseload. Home Practice Bitmoji Room – A spin on the E-Therapy virtual Bitmoji classrooms, this virtual home practice room has been pre-loaded with general website links that can be used for a wide range of ages and to target a large variety of therapy goals. Update the links as often as you like for the needs of your students.
Get monthly activities to use in your online therapy sessions
Check out our monthly Activity Round-ups for even more fun online games and activities that can easily be used in your online teletherapy sessions.