By E-Therapy Founder and Chief Therapy Officer, Diana ParafiniukHappy New Year! I’m Diana Parafiniuk, Founder and Chief Therapy Officer of E-Therapy, and I am thrilled to kick off 2020 on behalf of my amazing team at E-Therapy! This video blog is called the E-Therapy Founder’s Update, and it is the first of many where I will share E-Therapy news, advice and tips for tele-therapists, my journey as a female entrepreneur, and plenty of opinions and insights about our growing industry. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy it! Please subscribe to the E-Therapy channel on YouTube.
We had a tremendous 2019 full of impactful E-Therapy sessions with students, insightful progress reports, meaningful student wins, and tons of lovely testimonials from our schools and partners.
2019 was simply level-changing
In addition to the usual great work at E-Therapy by our amazing E-Therapists, we launched a new E-Therapy Empower Blog, a fresh new website, and hosted well-attended webinars.The power of E-Therapy continues to grab the attention of schools and educators around the country and we are happy to be helping to bring forth solutions, as your E-Therapy provider.
Heartfelt gratitude
As we blast off into 2020, I want to take a moment to say thank you for your support and for all the work you do. Because of your support, there are more great things being cooked up by our team at E-Therapy.Whether you are a therapist or a school educator, we have many good things in store for you this year. We will have more news and meaningful updates to share in the upcoming months, so please check out our blog posts for exciting events and information.You will hear more about community support for our educators and therapists, as well as some amazing webinars, hosted by my team of experts, coming this February. Keep your eyes peeled!I look forward to sharing many more success stories and hearing from you about what your experience has been regarding online therapy.Thanks for making us part of your community and here is to an amazing 2020!Diana Parafiniuk M.S.,CCC-SLP is the Founder and Chief Therapy Officer of E-Therapy. You can subscribe to Diana’s email and VLOG by emailing, or follow Diana on LinkedIn.