E-Therapy brings its pioneering STAR platform to the Council of Administrators of Special Education conference. Come Check it out!E-Therapy, a teletherapy service provider company that transformed the way online therapy is tracked and provided, today, announces that it is a silver sponsor of the 2nd Annual Joint Conference of The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) and the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) (http://www.casecec.org/). Come see E-Therapy at booth #2 at the conference, held on October 27 – 29, 2019 at The Galt House in downtown Louisville.
E-Therapy’s founder, Diana Parafiniuk, will be walking visitors through demonstrations of the STAR platform with an emphasis on the value that school districts get from teletherapy. To communicate with us in advance you can contact us directly at https://www.electronic-therapy.com/contact.“Last year, we had many schools excited to see the E-Therapy STAR platform in action,” said Parafiniuk. “We are excited to be at CASE/NASDSE again, this time as a Silver Sponsor! Special Education Directors and school district decision makers can learn how E-Therapy can uniquely support their Related Services for students of all ages (via our online platform, STAR).”
Visit E-Therapy’s Booth for a Chance to Win an HP Laptop
People who visit E-Therapy’s booth #2, will see a demonstration of their STAR platform! Also, sign up for a demo webinar and register to win NEW HP laptops, equipped with all the features to start serving students via teletherapy.“The shortage of speech-language pathologists to serve students with disabilities is critical in many school districts across the country,” said Parafiniuk. “E-Therapy provides a solution – especially for rural areas, challenged by candidate recruitment. Additionally, therapists who are limited to work due to where they live can be connected to districts who fall short of providers, making for a perfect match! We are sure these laptops will be put to good use.”The CASE/NASDSE conference reflects collaboration between local and state special education directors and their stakeholders. The speakers include
- Kenneth L. Marcus, assistant secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education; Kristin Wright
- Director, Special Education, California Department of Education; and Anastasia Skalski
- Director of Policy and Practice, National Association of School Psychologists.
“Our participation and co-sponsorship at CASE is an opportunity for E-Therapy to stand out as a company that genuinely supports your students services, regardless of whether your school has 1 student or hundreds of students, we want to support you,” said Parafiniuk.