At E-Therapy we pride ourselves on supporting our industry when things aren’t “easy to talk about” or “easy to translate into marketing speak or language”. E-Therapy is a pioneer, who is loyal, reliable, dependable, customer focused and service oriented. No “fancy talk” or “big tech talk”, just the best, high quality service. While this doesn’t always translate into “flowery marketing speak”, it does translate to our customer as “reason to stay with and always come back to E-Therapy.”
I was pleasantly reminded of how E-Therapy excels at providing the best services to our schools at CEC in Portland, Oregon last week.
I found myself hearing from our customers and partners who underscored this. When school administrators and staff stopped by to speak with us, they told us how much they appreciate what we do and how we do it. We asked them if they could elaborate on their thoughts further about how we work together with them. The response was music to our ears. They said, “Simple. You do what you say you are going to do. You are there when you say you are going to be there. You respond to our emails and you pick up the phone when we call. We know we can always depend on you. I never have to worry about my students if you are the provider. If we know it’s E-Therapy, we give a sigh of relief.” It sounds simple, and maybe it is, but it is one of our biggest value propositions and we will continue to treat our customers with the service and partnership they expect.
At E-Therapy, it is in our DNA to bend over backwards – all of us – to respond to customers’ questions, concerns, logistical quandaries – you name it.
We don’t know any other way. We have never lost a customer in our 10+ years of service for lack of support or quality issues. We thought we would take a moment this week, after celebrating our valued customers and partner relationships, to share some love back. As we grow and expand our services to more schools, providing more disciplines of service, such as increased counseling and mental health therapy services, we will always put customer service at the top of our list.
With customer needs in mind, we are offering some extremely desired content in a Webinar format.
This month, Mental Health is our focus. Our webinar delivers on how to track student’s mental health progress and understand what is working and what is not. Special Education Directors depend on having tools and assessment results at their fingertips. This webinar is completely FREE and aimed towards helping administrators fill their quiver with ways to track progress while students are receiving counseling services. E-Therapy has partnered with an amazing LPC mental health practitioner, Makisha Gunty, who has joined us to do a practicum on assessing progress with students. “READY, SET, ASSESS for Success: A counselor addresses which assessment your student needs.”With the recent Canadian Journal of Psychiatry coming out with results from a study showing teens especially increasingly showing signs of mental health challenges due to social media infiltrating their lives, this type of training is relevant, now more than ever. Click here for more details on the Webinar or to say “Count me in!”.Thank you to all of the schools who continue to trust us – and depend on us – with their related service needs. We are here for you! We plan to continue to be here for you – so let us know how we are doing and send us your feedback any time. You can send it to me directly or reach out to your account manager. We welcome it all so that we can keep delivering on what we do best. Your students. Our Focus.Diana ParafiniukCMO/Chief Therapist, E-Therapy