Learn more about teletherapy, how we work, our innovative eSMART Teletherapy Platform, and about becoming a teletherapist with E-Therapy.
About E-Therapy
Who is E-Therapy and what do they specialize in?
E-Therapy is comprised of therapy experts who deliver online and on-site therapy services for students in PreK through 12th grade, up to 22 years old. We specialize in providing speech, occupational, and physical therapy as well as psychoeducational assessments, counseling, social work, and mental health services. E-Therapy offers evaluations and diagnostics for all Special Education Related Services.
How is E-Therapy different from its competitors?
We have many differentiators in our model:
- The E-Therapy staff is reachable all hours and days of the week for personalized customer service.
- E-Therapy has high therapist retention, offering students continued services with the same therapist for multiple years.
- We fit our services into your unique situation, not that other way around.
- E-Therapy’s purpose is to support your student’s service with an aim to make progress towards their therapy goals.
- We have our own innovative eSMART Teletherapy Management Platform that tracks all services provided to your students, giving schools transparency and clarity into services and billing.
- E-Therapy has no minimum caseload requirement. We do not collect “caseload fees”. You pay only for the services you receive.
Once the engagement is made, how long does it take to set up the first session?
Once the contract is signed, It can take anywhere from 2 days to one week to onboard your school and set up the first session. Onboarding depends on when the school staff is ready to schedule and provide the required information to E-Therapy’s operation team. Once the contract is signed, our operations staff will reach out to the school staff to begin the onboarding process.
What regions of the country can I access teletherapy from E-Therapy?
Teletherapy is accessible from every area of the United States.
How many schools do you work with?
We work with hundreds of schools and school districts across the nation. Our services can be used in a variety of settings, including traditional brick and mortar schools as well as online, blended, and home school settings.
What is the usual length of your engagement with a school?
E-Therapy has clients/schools that have worked with us for more than 10 years (since our inception). A standard contract is for one school year with the option to renew each school year. We are proud to have a track record of a 100% retention rate with our schools. E-Therapy has never lost a client due to poor service or support!
About Teletherapy
What is teletherapy?
Is the tech set-up very complicated?
Not at all. All you need to work with E-Therapy is a regular desktop or laptop computer with a webcam and a good internet connection. We suggest a private, quiet location with good lighting as well.
Is teletherapy as effective as traditional onsite therapy?
Research has shown that teletherapy can be as effective as traditional in-person therapy. In fact, some studies have shown that the teletherapy service delivery model can be a better model for some students, based on their particular needs. We live in a digital age, and students are very comfortable using technology. Students who work with E-Therapy typically make good progress and enjoy their online sessions. This progress can be easily tracked and accessed by school administrative teams within E-Therapy’s teletherapy platform.
How do students respond to teletherapy?
We find that students respond positively and are immediately engaged. Students currently learn and live in the digital age. They easily adapt to technology and enjoy using it. E-Therapy provides a dynamic online platform that keeps students motivated and engaged while making progress toward their therapy goals.
How do schools benefit from using E-Therapy?
- EXTENDED STAFF & ACCESS TO EXPERIENCED AND COMPASSIONATE THERAPISTS: E-Therapy provides online therapy services by experienced clinicians. Our therapists use dynamic and motivating teletherapy techniques to help students make progress toward their therapy goals.
- ASSISTANCE WITH COMPLIANCE COVERAGE: Federal guidelines mandate that students with disabilities receive the services they need according to their IEP, and many schools do not have enough therapists to fill this need. E-Therapy can fill the gap in services so that your school can maintain compliance.
- RESOURCE REACH EXTENSION: E-Therapy becomes a virtual partner to our schools. We provide comprehensive therapy services in a flexible format that fits your model, enabling your school to reach all students in need.
How does E-Therapy bill, track, and monitor students and schools?
Our easy to use and streamlined tracking and monitoring system enables easy to access real-time data, reports, and billing.
How specifically can teletherapy save my school money?
Schools save in a number of ways:
- Schools are not on the hook for transportation reimbursement.
- E-Therapy services are typically Medicaid reimbursed (depending on the state).
- We also supplement services through supervision of SLPAs for speech services, so that schools can create larger groups of services.
What sets E-Therapy apart from other teletherapy vendors?
We hear from customers daily that our commitment to customer service and quality of therapists sets us apart. For testimonials, check out the ones here on our website.
E-Therapy’s eSMART Teletherapy Platform
What is the smart Teletherapy Management Platform and how is it different from other teletherapy company platforms?
School admin use eSMART as a data tracking platform to track student’s sessions in real time, This gives you a real-time view into what services have been delivered in an instant. Therapists use eSMART to enter in session notes and graph clinical data. More features include:
- Clinical data notes supply objective data regarding student progress towards annual IEP goals. This provides our schools with the ability to track their students’ progress and session attendance.
- eSMART allows schools to run individual reports on all areas of service that students receive, which in turn keeps schools in compliance with mandated federal guidelines for working with students with disabilities.
- eSMART also doubles as a referral platform keeping all student referrals confidential through our HIPAA compliant system.
- E-Therapy is instantly notified when a student referral is submitted, allowing us to provide the needed services right away.
How do sessions work?
Students log in through our secure platform and click to enter their online therapy room. The therapist meets the student in the virtual session room, and they see each other face-to-face on the screen. The sessions are highly interactive and keep the student engaged while working toward their goals.
How do I learn how to use the smart platform?
E-Therapy’s online eSMART platform is very user-friendly, and we make the learning process easy by assigning your team a dedicated account manager. We will guide you through the simple steps to access everything you need in our system. E-Therapy additionally has easy-to-use online instructions, webinars, and videos for easy reference.
What equipment do I need to use the smart platform?
You only need a basic computer (laptop or desktop) and internet access to log in to eSMART.
How are documents shared at a distance?
Documents can be uploaded easily through our eSMART platform. Our system is secure and HIPAA compliant, so that student confidentiality can be maintained.
Are the sessions or student sessions supervised? if so, how?
For Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy, as well as Counseling sessions, students work face-to-face online with a certified, licensed therapist. There are E-Helpers dedicated to sessions that facilitate a login process so that the student can meet their therapist in their online therapy room. If there are additional tangible materials that students need to incorporate into therapy, the E-Helper plays an integral role assisting.
Is there a customer support, technical support phone number or system in place should a student or organization need support?
E-Therapy support for IT and Operations is available through our system. There is always someone there to answer and attend to any needs or questions our clients have. E-Therapy has a company line that students, families, school staff, and IT support can call at anytime to address any support needs.

What about Job Opportunities?
We are currently seeking skilled professionals in the following areas: